Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Upcoming M Sighting: YA Day

What's YA Day?

I asked the very same question when pal Katie Wood Ruffin proposed that I join her for a YA Day at my local bookstore. It was explained to me thus: YA Day is a chance to promote and discuss Young Adult/Teen Books with readers. Well, of course, I was game! Any opportunity to share a love of reading one of my favorite "genres" of book. Until now, I had no idea something like this was open to authors as well as unpublished writers (like myself). If I'd have known, I would've endeavored to do it much sooner. So, after a short proposal process, Katie and I received permission to hang out in the YA section of my neighborhood Books-a-Million (for four hours on March 31st) and chat up other readers about what they are reading, share what I'm reading, make suggestions, and not get myself kicked out for loitering or soliciting.
(It's like a dream Saturday afternoon come true!)
Here's the flyer:

That's right. Door prizes and goodies, also! Many thanks to my friends Bekka Black and Sophie Littlefield who sent along some surprises for a few lucky attendees. <---This is going to be exciting stuff! Plus, Katie and I will be handing out suggested reading lists and a few other fun things. 

Needless to say, it'll be a new adventure and experience for me. (I'll be sure to blog about it--and take pictures for you all.) Most of all, it's an opportunity to stretch my under-developed social butterfly wings. If you are in the Biloxi, MS area Saturday afternoon stop by and say, "hello." I'd love to see you.

Peas, Love, and Happy Reading. 

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